12 Quick Tips Our recent challenging economic times have put a lot of strain on everyone and this affects our level of happiness. Being happy at work largely depends on how much you like what you do, but there are things you can do to boost your mood. Below are suggestions to help put a smile on your face and make your work life more enjoyable.
1. Brighten your office space. Everything around you affects your frame of mind. Place personal pictures and objects around you that remind you of fun times. Regularly organize the stacks of paper on your desk and get rid of what you don't need.
2. Check your physical environment. Is your office constantly too cold or too warm? Ask building maintenance to make adjustments. Do you have a chair that gives you proper back support? Look around and see if there are better chairs available for you, or bring in your own. Check your eyestrain. While looking at your computer put your hand to your forehead like a salute, if your eyes feel relieved your overhead lighting is too bright.
3. Think positive. Happiness is largely a choice. Concentrate on aspects of your work that you like and avoid negative people and gossip. Celebrate all the positive things happening within your office. Don't sweat the small stuff. When Julia Child dropped a cooking ingredient on the floor, she'd just pick it up and put it back in the pot without a second thought.
4. Take care of difficult calls or emails as quickly as possible. Procrastinating just makes it harder, getting them done gives you a boost of relieved energy.
5. Smile, sounds simple but it works. By putting a smile on your face you can change the mood of not only yourself but others around you. A smile can even be heard over the phone.
6. Do things differently. Boredom can become a problem for many at work. Switch things up a bit, move your desk, hold meetings in a different room at a different time, redesign the spreadsheets you use, make routine calls at a different time of the day.
7. Take charge of your own career growth. Don't wait to be noticed. Constantly be looking for ways to improve your skills or new projects to get involved in. This will allow you to meet more people and give you additional knowledge for your own job and also for advancement.
8. Movement. Get up and move around during the work day. Instead of phoning someone across the office get up and walk over to speak to them in person. Sitting too long in one position can make you sleepy and unmotivated. Take a mid-morning or mid-afternoon walk. Get the energy flowing. Avoid sugary treats that can cause you to crash.
9. Make only commitments you know that you can keep. If asked to do a difficult and lengthy project when your plate is already full, let your boss know. Create a plan to get everything done and don't be afraid to ask for assistance. If we promise to do everything and then get swamped it will lead to an increased stress level and unhappiness.
10. Be polite. Say "yes please", "thank you" and "you are welcome". Also give compliments to your coworkers on everything from a project well done, to closing a new deal, to how they look (But be appropriate.). "What goes around, comes around."
11. Take a break. It is important to take time away from the office. Taking a break provides an opportunity to reflect and it is often during such times when the best ideas emerge. Try to eat lunch at least one day a week away from the office. Take those days off, clear your head, come back refreshed and motivated for new projects.
12. Get to know your co-workers. Take a personal interest in their daily lives, ask how their family is, what hobbies or special interests they may have. Creating caring friendships at work makes our jobs more enjoyable.
If you have tried all of the above and nothing seems to work, it might be time to look for a new job. Contact Kunin Associates and let us help you find an opportunity that will make you happy and successful.
Visit us at www.kuninassociates.com to get more information