608 SE 6th Street,
Suite 4,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
(954) 468-3636
Kunin Associates
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
You Will Succeed in Your Job and Job Search When You Are Concerned With Giving and Not Taking
Article taken from JobsJournal.com
By Harrison Barnes
The quality of our lives, in many respects, is determined by our working lives. Being able to enjoy our jobs and being able to get jobs is something that is incredibly important.
A job is not just about earning a living; it is about forming a relationship with an institution, or group of people, and being supported by that organization. For example, the organization may provide you with a good outlet for your skills and give you work you enjoy. In your work environment you will also have the opportunity to come into contact with, and interact with, the public. In most respects, if we do not enjoy our jobs, we do not enjoy life. Therefore, we must ensure that we have the skills to both get and keep jobs.
Getting a job and working for an employer is, in many respects, no different than being in a relationship with another human being. There are people who go into relationships with other people from a perspective of wanting to take from others rather than give. I use this example because I am sure you have met people (we all have) that have been more interested in what they could take from you in a relationship rather than what they could give. Perhaps they wanted a place to stay indefinitely, and you did not even know them very well. Perhaps they wanted you to listen to them talk incessantly and never listened to you. Everyone has known people like this who, for one reason or another, seem more interested in what they can take from us, rather than what they can give.
In our personal relationships we have a very simple solution to this: We avoid these people. We do not like people who are focused only on taking from us. We learn this from a very young age and by the time we are even six or seven we are avoiding people whose objective seems more to take from us than to give. This is just how things work. There are people out there who want relationships with us that are one-way streets, where they perceive us as a solution to their problems. Most of us to do not want to be the solutions to other peoples' problems or to be in a relationship that is a one-way street like this. We want our needs taken care of as well.
One of the most important components of relationships is that we need to go into them with the intent of giving something-not necessarily taking something out. What you put out does tend to come back to you. In a relationship where two people are going into the relationship to give, both parties are likely to be benefited. One of the most important components in any relationship is understanding what the other person needs. If both parties understand what the other needs, then both are likely to be very happy in the relationship.
Several years ago, I was staying with a young couple who were in their early 30s. Every morning, she would get up early and make her husband a large breakfast and then wait on him while he ate. She would refill his juice, ask him if there was enough salt on his eggs, tell him she could make some more sausage if he needed it. She would not even eat herself until he was long gone to work. He liked being taken care of like this and she would also make him his lunch to take to work. I spoke to him about this and he told me that this is what his mother used to do for him and it made him feel very loved.
Throughout the day he would pick up the phone, what seemed like almost every hour, and ask her what she was doing and how her day was going. She would relate what had happened over the past hour and seek his input on various decisions she wanted to make about one thing or another. She loved having a sounding board for various things she was doing. If she spoke to a friend on the phone she would ask him what he thought about the conversation. If she was deciding between two different priced goods at the grocery store, she might call him and seek his input. She loved getting the input and not having to make certain decisions, and this made him feel important. While I thought all of this was very unusual, the point is that it worked. Both of these individuals had certain emotional needs that were being taken care of extremely well in the relationship. More importantly, it seemed to me that both of them were really in the relationship to give and this made everything work extremely well.
Some people just need certain things. This guy needed a wife that would wait on him and cook for him. She needed a husband who would speak to her every hour. That was just how it was. Everyone has certain buttons that when pushed, fulfill their needs and things that they need out of relationships. Finding these buttons can be difficult but when they are found everything generally falls into place. For many relationships, these buttons are never found. When these buttons are found, however, an incredible amount of trust, happiness and respect can be established between both parties. The buttons are needs that two people have in a relationship.
A relationship with an employer has a lot of similarities to a relationship with another human being. Just as people have certain needs that need to be taken care of, so do employers. Moreover, just as it is advisable to go into a relationship with another human being as something where you are trying to give, you should also go into work relationships with the idea of giving. You need to be more focused on the other person's interest than your own in order to really experience the level of satisfaction you want out of a work relationship. What you put out comes back to you.
One of the most interesting questions I have when I am asking someone who is unemployed is, ''We really need someone to start right away. When can you start?''
I have seen that this is a very powerful question over the years, because it tends to really flush out people who are really interested in working from those who are not interested in working. It also immediately shows how important it is for various people to contribute versus those who are seeking a one-sided relationship. There are probably other ways of figuring this out but I believe this is a pretty good one. The answer to this question really shows a lot about how someone is going to be like once they are hired.
Here are some possible responses to this questions:
''Would it be okay if I checked back with you on that?''
''I have a trip planned and I would like to take the trip, and then after that I have been hoping to organize some things around the house. I can definitely start within four to five weeks.''
''I am in the middle of restoring an old car but I can put a lot of the parts away and start by the middle of next week.''
''I can start on Monday.''
''I can start tomorrow.''
''I can start today.''
''I can start right now.''
''I can start right now and if you need me to I will work all night. It looks like you have a lot to do.''
The more someone seems eager to start now and begin work immediately, the more likely I am to want to hire this person. This is not some rule I have simply pulled out of thin air or read in a management book. Instead, I have learned that the answer someone gives to this question is likely to really determine their commitment to their job and work going forward. It is a pattern I have seen over and over again , and in the course of having hired hundreds of people and placed hundreds of people in jobs-I know the more eager someone is to do something and start work, the more committed they are likely to be to the job once they start. Hearing that an employer needs help immediately and wanting to help and contribute now is an important characteristic.
There is a psychology out there that certain employees and people in the workplace have that is focused on providing results to others. It is an idea in business, as well, of giving something of value before you expect something in return. It is also a psychology of responding to someone else's needs before you worry about your won.
The more people are hesitating before starting work, the more likely they are to hesitate when they get into the job as well. In the answer to this question, there is also a push and pull between someones dedication to their job and other things. Obviously, most employers want people who are dedicated to what they do and not the other way around. Most employers are seeking and looking for people who will go forward and get one job or another done. When you are applying for jobs and interviewing, you need to put yourself in the shoes of the employer and not the other way around:
Put your employer, or potential employer's needs, first and not your own.
Try and be selfless and focused on your employer's needs.
Find out what your employer (or potential employer's) needs are, and tailor your approach to them.
By putting your employer or potential employer first you will be able to get jobs and hold on to them in almost all economic climates. Not always, but more often than not.
The psychology of putting the needs of your employer first and understanding their needs may seem overly simplistic and obvious. While it may seem obvious and simplistic, the truth of the matter is that not being able to do this is the reason most people fail to get jobs and others lose jobs. CEOs of major corporations lose jobs when it becomes clear they care more about their bonus than the company. People lose jobs when we learn they are off doing something personal instead of attending to a corporate crisis. Clock watchers are fired and laid off when the economy gets slow because people know these people are more concerned about what they can take (money) than what they can give (time and extra work). People who are applying for jobs who are hungry and appear eager to work are most often hired. People who are taciturn and do not seem eager to work hard are not hired as often. People whose loyalty is to other employees, and not the company in general, more often lose their jobs and are not promoted over those who are not.
We respect loyalty to institutions. It is bred into us. Soldiers have gone off to fight and risked their lives for thousands of years out of loyalty to their institutions. Loyalty and contribution to an ''institution'' rather than any specific individual, for example, is almost universally respected. When you work for a company or any other sort of institution you need to look at your relationship and determine what you can give to the institution. The more you can give and the more you can contribute, the more the organization will ultimately fulfill your needs as well.
Kunin Associates is constantly working on new opportunities and will help you find the position that best fits your background. Please visit our website www.kuninassociates.com and subscribe to out twice a month newsletter that features the hottest candidates and jobs we are working on.
By Harrison Barnes
The quality of our lives, in many respects, is determined by our working lives. Being able to enjoy our jobs and being able to get jobs is something that is incredibly important.
A job is not just about earning a living; it is about forming a relationship with an institution, or group of people, and being supported by that organization. For example, the organization may provide you with a good outlet for your skills and give you work you enjoy. In your work environment you will also have the opportunity to come into contact with, and interact with, the public. In most respects, if we do not enjoy our jobs, we do not enjoy life. Therefore, we must ensure that we have the skills to both get and keep jobs.
Getting a job and working for an employer is, in many respects, no different than being in a relationship with another human being. There are people who go into relationships with other people from a perspective of wanting to take from others rather than give. I use this example because I am sure you have met people (we all have) that have been more interested in what they could take from you in a relationship rather than what they could give. Perhaps they wanted a place to stay indefinitely, and you did not even know them very well. Perhaps they wanted you to listen to them talk incessantly and never listened to you. Everyone has known people like this who, for one reason or another, seem more interested in what they can take from us, rather than what they can give.
In our personal relationships we have a very simple solution to this: We avoid these people. We do not like people who are focused only on taking from us. We learn this from a very young age and by the time we are even six or seven we are avoiding people whose objective seems more to take from us than to give. This is just how things work. There are people out there who want relationships with us that are one-way streets, where they perceive us as a solution to their problems. Most of us to do not want to be the solutions to other peoples' problems or to be in a relationship that is a one-way street like this. We want our needs taken care of as well.
One of the most important components of relationships is that we need to go into them with the intent of giving something-not necessarily taking something out. What you put out does tend to come back to you. In a relationship where two people are going into the relationship to give, both parties are likely to be benefited. One of the most important components in any relationship is understanding what the other person needs. If both parties understand what the other needs, then both are likely to be very happy in the relationship.
Several years ago, I was staying with a young couple who were in their early 30s. Every morning, she would get up early and make her husband a large breakfast and then wait on him while he ate. She would refill his juice, ask him if there was enough salt on his eggs, tell him she could make some more sausage if he needed it. She would not even eat herself until he was long gone to work. He liked being taken care of like this and she would also make him his lunch to take to work. I spoke to him about this and he told me that this is what his mother used to do for him and it made him feel very loved.
Throughout the day he would pick up the phone, what seemed like almost every hour, and ask her what she was doing and how her day was going. She would relate what had happened over the past hour and seek his input on various decisions she wanted to make about one thing or another. She loved having a sounding board for various things she was doing. If she spoke to a friend on the phone she would ask him what he thought about the conversation. If she was deciding between two different priced goods at the grocery store, she might call him and seek his input. She loved getting the input and not having to make certain decisions, and this made him feel important. While I thought all of this was very unusual, the point is that it worked. Both of these individuals had certain emotional needs that were being taken care of extremely well in the relationship. More importantly, it seemed to me that both of them were really in the relationship to give and this made everything work extremely well.
Some people just need certain things. This guy needed a wife that would wait on him and cook for him. She needed a husband who would speak to her every hour. That was just how it was. Everyone has certain buttons that when pushed, fulfill their needs and things that they need out of relationships. Finding these buttons can be difficult but when they are found everything generally falls into place. For many relationships, these buttons are never found. When these buttons are found, however, an incredible amount of trust, happiness and respect can be established between both parties. The buttons are needs that two people have in a relationship.
A relationship with an employer has a lot of similarities to a relationship with another human being. Just as people have certain needs that need to be taken care of, so do employers. Moreover, just as it is advisable to go into a relationship with another human being as something where you are trying to give, you should also go into work relationships with the idea of giving. You need to be more focused on the other person's interest than your own in order to really experience the level of satisfaction you want out of a work relationship. What you put out comes back to you.
One of the most interesting questions I have when I am asking someone who is unemployed is, ''We really need someone to start right away. When can you start?''
I have seen that this is a very powerful question over the years, because it tends to really flush out people who are really interested in working from those who are not interested in working. It also immediately shows how important it is for various people to contribute versus those who are seeking a one-sided relationship. There are probably other ways of figuring this out but I believe this is a pretty good one. The answer to this question really shows a lot about how someone is going to be like once they are hired.
Here are some possible responses to this questions:
''Would it be okay if I checked back with you on that?''
''I have a trip planned and I would like to take the trip, and then after that I have been hoping to organize some things around the house. I can definitely start within four to five weeks.''
''I am in the middle of restoring an old car but I can put a lot of the parts away and start by the middle of next week.''
''I can start on Monday.''
''I can start tomorrow.''
''I can start today.''
''I can start right now.''
''I can start right now and if you need me to I will work all night. It looks like you have a lot to do.''
The more someone seems eager to start now and begin work immediately, the more likely I am to want to hire this person. This is not some rule I have simply pulled out of thin air or read in a management book. Instead, I have learned that the answer someone gives to this question is likely to really determine their commitment to their job and work going forward. It is a pattern I have seen over and over again , and in the course of having hired hundreds of people and placed hundreds of people in jobs-I know the more eager someone is to do something and start work, the more committed they are likely to be to the job once they start. Hearing that an employer needs help immediately and wanting to help and contribute now is an important characteristic.
There is a psychology out there that certain employees and people in the workplace have that is focused on providing results to others. It is an idea in business, as well, of giving something of value before you expect something in return. It is also a psychology of responding to someone else's needs before you worry about your won.
The more people are hesitating before starting work, the more likely they are to hesitate when they get into the job as well. In the answer to this question, there is also a push and pull between someones dedication to their job and other things. Obviously, most employers want people who are dedicated to what they do and not the other way around. Most employers are seeking and looking for people who will go forward and get one job or another done. When you are applying for jobs and interviewing, you need to put yourself in the shoes of the employer and not the other way around:
Put your employer, or potential employer's needs, first and not your own.
Try and be selfless and focused on your employer's needs.
Find out what your employer (or potential employer's) needs are, and tailor your approach to them.
By putting your employer or potential employer first you will be able to get jobs and hold on to them in almost all economic climates. Not always, but more often than not.
The psychology of putting the needs of your employer first and understanding their needs may seem overly simplistic and obvious. While it may seem obvious and simplistic, the truth of the matter is that not being able to do this is the reason most people fail to get jobs and others lose jobs. CEOs of major corporations lose jobs when it becomes clear they care more about their bonus than the company. People lose jobs when we learn they are off doing something personal instead of attending to a corporate crisis. Clock watchers are fired and laid off when the economy gets slow because people know these people are more concerned about what they can take (money) than what they can give (time and extra work). People who are applying for jobs who are hungry and appear eager to work are most often hired. People who are taciturn and do not seem eager to work hard are not hired as often. People whose loyalty is to other employees, and not the company in general, more often lose their jobs and are not promoted over those who are not.
We respect loyalty to institutions. It is bred into us. Soldiers have gone off to fight and risked their lives for thousands of years out of loyalty to their institutions. Loyalty and contribution to an ''institution'' rather than any specific individual, for example, is almost universally respected. When you work for a company or any other sort of institution you need to look at your relationship and determine what you can give to the institution. The more you can give and the more you can contribute, the more the organization will ultimately fulfill your needs as well.
Kunin Associates is constantly working on new opportunities and will help you find the position that best fits your background. Please visit our website www.kuninassociates.com and subscribe to out twice a month newsletter that features the hottest candidates and jobs we are working on.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Jr. Staff Accountant
Jr. Staff Accountant
Excellent opportunity with a Downtown Miami company looking for a Junior Staff Accountant. Candidate must have a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and a minimum of 1 year experience in a professional accounting environment. Company has been growing, and offers a fantastic benefits package and pays for parking.
Salary Range: $32,000 to $38,000
Email Resume to: JFarrick@KuninAssociates.com
Excellent opportunity with a Downtown Miami company looking for a Junior Staff Accountant. Candidate must have a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and a minimum of 1 year experience in a professional accounting environment. Company has been growing, and offers a fantastic benefits package and pays for parking.
Salary Range: $32,000 to $38,000
Email Resume to: JFarrick@KuninAssociates.com
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Take your child to work day!!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Budget Analyst

Growing Miami company is seeking a Budget Analyst with a Bachelors Degree in Accounting or Finance, a minimum of 3 years financial analysis and accounting experience as well as PC skills. Responsibilities will include: budget development, analyzing budget performance and variances, reconciliations, and communicating with other departments to accumulate cost information for budgets and Grants Analysis. Very friendly and professional environment.
Salary Range: $45,000 to $80,000
Email Resume to: JFarrick@KuninAssociates.com
Tax Manager, Estate and Trust

Local South Florida CPA firm is looking for an Estate and Trust Manager. In this role you will be responsible for both preparation and review of estate and trust tax returns as well as interacting directly with the clients. The ideal candidate will have 5+ progressive years of experience with knowledge of 1040s, 1041s, 706s and 709s. Additional experience in compliance is very important. Professional environment in a well respected firm with opportunity for growth.
Salary Range: $100,000 to $115,000
Email Resume to: JFarrick@KuninAssociates.com
Friday, April 16, 2010
1040K Running for Financial and Physical Fitness
21st Annual FICPA Educational Foundation 1040K Run/Walk
Coconut Grove, Florida
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Proceeds benefit South Florida African-American accounting students for scholarships and endowment funds.

The Kunin Associates team joined by Jo-Anne Kunin, Jon Goldman, Jake Goldman, Jessica Goldman, Jason Zigman, Jim Farrick , Diana Estrada and Phil Czebatul were there in full support!
Coconut Grove, Florida
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Proceeds benefit South Florida African-American accounting students for scholarships and endowment funds.

The Kunin Associates team joined by Jo-Anne Kunin, Jon Goldman, Jake Goldman, Jessica Goldman, Jason Zigman, Jim Farrick , Diana Estrada and Phil Czebatul were there in full support!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Business Analyst
Our client is a large publicly held company located in Miami and is looking for a qualified Business Analyst. In this role you will work closely with the top Executives and will support project management initiatives. Qualified candidates must have an MBA with a minimum of 3-4 years management consulting experience for one of the top consulting firms with direct report to senior leadership. Assignments will be complex and require analytical thinking. If you fit the previous qualifications along with supervision experience and project management exposure please submit your resume for this highly visible role.
Salary Range: $90,000 to $115,000 + Bonus
Email Resume to: JFarrick@KuninAssociates.com
Salary Range: $90,000 to $115,000 + Bonus
Email Resume to: JFarrick@KuninAssociates.com
1040k Run

The FICPA Educational Foundation's 1040K Run/Walk to benefit South Florida African-American accounting students through scholarships and endowment funds is here again!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
10K Run/Walk: 6.2 miles
5K Run/Walk: 3.1 miles
Coconut Grove, FL
To Register:
Register as a runner or walker or contact Jason Zaborske at edfound@ficpa.org for race application
Become a Sponsor:
Download sponsorship brochure and fax to (850) 222-8190, or call Jason Zaborske at (800) 342-3197 ext. 417 (within Florida only). There's a sponsorship level for every budget!
For more information on the event visit
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Senior Finance Analyst
Large Miami public company is looking to hire a Senior Financial Analyst to help in the planning, budgeting and the general financial analysis of the company. This person will be “hands-on” in determining ways to enhance the financial strength and maximize the overall value of the company. Strong communication skills are a must, as this role interacts will all departments, company-wide, to gather information. The ideal candidate will have 4-8 years of progressive experience in financial analysis and planning in a large multi-division corporation as well as public and/or private accounting experience preferably in Big 4.Great company with plenty of room for growth. MBA or CPA preferred.
Salary Range : $70,000 to $82,000
Email Resume to: JFarrick@KuninAssociates.com
Salary Range : $70,000 to $82,000
Email Resume to: JFarrick@KuninAssociates.com
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Full Charge Bookkeeper
Full Charge Bookkeeper
Our Fort Lauderdale area client is looking for a full charge bookkeeper to be responsible for billing, financials and job costing. Person must have Quickbooks knowledge and a positive upbeat attitude. Accounting and Excel test required prior to in person interview.
Salary Range: $35,000 to $40,000
Email Resume to: Jfarrick@KuninAssociates.com
Our Fort Lauderdale area client is looking for a full charge bookkeeper to be responsible for billing, financials and job costing. Person must have Quickbooks knowledge and a positive upbeat attitude. Accounting and Excel test required prior to in person interview.
Salary Range: $35,000 to $40,000
Email Resume to: Jfarrick@KuninAssociates.com
Thursday, April 1, 2010
How business owners cope amid chaos

Article taken from The Miami Herald.
Juggling too many demands? Setting priorities and staying flexible are among the critical assets for business owners.
At the ungodly hour of 7:30 a.m., 29 female senior level executives are gathered around a conference room table. I am among them, seated at the table to share my work life balance insights. Instead, just during introductions, I get an eye-opening look at modern-day challenges of professional women who have made it to the top in their professions and want a fulfilling personal life. If you think earning a good salary makes the juggling easier, here's some enlightenment: These women must perform at the top of their game, while taking care of young kids, elderly parents, needy spouses and demanding clients, partners and customers. These are the tools they use to keep their business and home lives better balanced:
Mobility. Customers don't really care where you are as long as you are accessible. Randi Grant, a director at Berkowitz Dick Pollack Brant in Fort Lauderdale, uses her Bluetooth to free herself from sitting at her desk all day. The nifty hands-free cellphone device allows her to give tax-consulting advice from the beauty salon, her car or a restaurant. ``If I'm on a cell I can have a conference call with clients from anywhere.''
Multi-tasking. Leslie Linevsky, co-founder of Catalogs.com , runs her own company and cares for her three children and elderly mother. ``It requires a lot of juggling,'' she said. ``I really believe in multi-tasking to the max.'' Just this week, Linevsky was preparing a holiday meal, supervising sales people from her cell, connecting with contacts from her laptop on the kitchen counter and watching her kids. ``I feel though if I'm not multitasking, I'm laying dormant.''
Delegate. Are five personal assistants too much? Not for Carol Lasek, a financial services provider for nurses and medical professionals. Lasek has four kids and 22 employees. It took a personal coach to make Lasek realize that her time is more valuable sitting in her office doing financial planning for her medical clientele, than running errands and cooking dinner. These days, she barters personal financial services in exchange for getting those personal assistants help her life run more smoothly.
Network to save time. Joining certain organizations pays off. Public relations executive Barbara Goldberg finds belonging to this group of female executives, The Women's Executive Circle of the Jewish Federation of Broward County, saves her time searching for service professionals. She found an accountant and lawyer through the group. ``It gave me instant access to bright professionals. Getting to know them saved me time checking references and starting from scratch.''
Flexibility. Step back from the daily juggle and look at your options. Charlene Golden, a senior manager at Crowe Horwath has negotiated an alternative work schedule at her accounting firm. She works in overdrive during the school year and busy tax season, when she's most needed. Then, she takes summers off, saving the firm money and giving her time with her kids.
Make chaos acceptable. Consider a Zen approach to work life balance. Joanne Kunin, an accounting recruiter, finds life can get chaotic with two kids, a job, a spouse and a bar mitzvah in the works.
She now gives herself permission to walk into her chaotic home and soak it all in without feeling guilty. ``I've just learned to let things go and feel comfortable in the middle of chaos.''
Exercise. Make your health No. 1 on your to-do list. Laura Goldblum, president and CFO of Fine Art Lamps in Miami Lakes and mother of two, says throughout the years, she has felt guilty about everything -- working long hours, taking time off from work. Waking up early to exercise has helped her steal a little bit of me time without the guilt. ``That's the one thing I've never given up,'' she says.
Family matters. This becomes more evident as you get older. Deborah Berkowitz, a partner at the law firm of Ruden McClosky, says her new granddaughter has taught her a lot about balance. Suddenly, in between filing trademark registrations or pursuing copyright infringement, she's looking at photos and figuring out when she can take her next vacation day to visit with her newest family member in New York.
Cindy Krischer Goodman is CEO of BalanceGal LLC, a provider of news and advice on how to balance work and life. She can be reached at balancegal@gmail.com or read her columns and blogs at http://worklifebalancingact.com.
Property Accountant
Our client is a Prestigious Fort Lauderdale company that has several real estate investments, among other interests, and is looking to hire an accountant to handle the monthly/yearly closings. The ideal candidate will have knowledge of Yardi and Quickbooks, have property management experience and be extremely organized. 40 hour work week with good benefits and a professional environment.
Salary Range: $50,000 to $60,000
Email Resume to: JFarrick@kuninassociates.com
Salary Range: $50,000 to $60,000
Email Resume to: JFarrick@kuninassociates.com
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