Currently most companies will require a job applicant to fill out an application. As tedious as this task may be it is an important step in the interview process. Refusing to fill out an application or stating 'it's all on my resume' does not shine a favorable light on you.
An application will often require more details than what is on your resume including specific dates of employment, prior wages, supervisor's names and how you were referred to the company. Take the time to answer all questions completely and make sure your information matches what is on your resume.
When filling out the application do not leave any questions blank. If something does not refer to you write N/A or not applicable. This will ensure the reader that you saw the question and it has been answered.
Applications are most often given to you upon arrival for an interview. Be prepared by bringing a pen, your resume, the exact dates when you worked, names and numbers for references, an ID and proof that you can work legally in the United States. Take the extra step and have everything written out prior to your arrival and simply transfer the information. Better yet, try and get a copy of the application before the interview and bring it already completed.
Some applications may contain a signed release for the company to complete a background check, a credit check, or permission to contact previous employers and references. Before signing make certain all information is correct and that you are aware of what liberties you are giving a potential employer. A signed application may also represent that you verify all information provided is true and valid.
Avoid abbreviations when filling out an application. What may seem obvious to you as an expert in the industry may be foreign to the Human Resources Specialist or Recruiter that is trying to process your information.
Finally, be truthful in all your answers. Not only can potential employers check your information on line, but they will also verify it with your past employers and references. If the details do not match up you could quickly find yourself out of consideration for the job. If you need help completing an application please give one of our professional recruiters at Kunin Associates a call at 954-467-9575.
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