In these challenging financial times it can be hard to come up with ways to reward your hard working employees. You really want to recognize them financially but your bottom line just won’t allow it. Here are some reward suggestions that will keep your employees motivated and feel appreciated.
· Give them verbal praise in front of their peers and your customers. If you have a company newsletter write an article about their valued contributions or send out a press release.
· Office perks such as days off, half days, group casual attire days or reserved parking spaces are always appreciated.
· Concert or Sports tickets that are usually given to clients could be shared with high performing employees.
· Reward achievers with flexible scheduling or partial work from home options.
· Give first choice on assigned projects.
· Give first choice for highly sought after vacation times.
· One on one mentoring with a senior executive would be a greatly appreciated reward, or lunch with an owner or major investor.
· Assignment to a key decision making task force for the company would add prestige to an employee's career.
· Additional opportunities for training can also be a reward.
Employee moral is at a low rate in general as the stress of the economy is at an all time high. While employees should be thankful they are employed, companies who push the attitude that employees are "lucky" to have a job will be the first to see their employees leave when the market turns upward. Making your employees feel valued and a part of the team will increase employee loyalty, production and success. The above suggestions will help you reach this goal.
If you need any additional information please subscribe to our twice a month newsletter in our website www.kuninassociates.com or call Kunin Associates and one of our experience Recruiters would be happy to talk with you.
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