Taken from: Jobsjournal.com
Interaction with an interviewer is always interesting for at the worst you are still left richer with the experience and a new connection if you can manage that. If you succeed, then you achieve what you went to the interview for - the job. Social interaction calls into play definitive skills and skill sets, which are sometimes more important than what’s on the resume.
This is why knowledge and practice of etiquettes to follow in an interview gain importance and are as much important as quick wits or ready answers. Just think of yourself as an interviewer and faced with a candidate who gives all the correct answers, but slouches in his chair and keeps shifting his eyes. What are the chances of you recruiting such a candidate? Quite low, I would presume. And if I presume correctly, then it is good to check on how fit you are according to standards of expected behavior in an interview.
Control Your Facial Expressions
Many of us are totally unaware of the facial expressions we make when trying to emphasize a point or express emotions, for most of it occurs unknowingly. While being emotionally vibrant is good, too strong facial expressions are interpreted as signs of lack of emotional control. The proverbial poker face works well across any kind of table, for the human mind makes up for what you don't show. And as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, for a recruiter the right candidate is the one who catches his or her fancy. While being devoid of facial expressions is not suggested, it is definitely of help to control facial expressions to the minimal to leave a gap that can be filled in by the recruiter's own inferences.
Control Your Body Language
Body language is extremely important to carry your messages across, but they can also hinder the process if they do not match your messages. Eyes that don't smile when faces do, repetitive gestures, pointing fingers, wringing your hands, hunched shoulders, bent back, wide open legs, - the list can go on and on, but you got the point: Get rid of bad habits of gesture and posture if you want to survive and succeed in interviews.
Control Your Proximity and Position
Usually the interviewees chair is already fixed and you'd be directed to sit there. However, if there are multiple options and the choice of sitting is upon you, then remember these simple tips. Face the interviewer squarely across the table, and don't sit at a side if you can sit at the center. Don't get too close to the interviewer or it might be interpreted as invasion of private space. This applies as much to positioning yourself as to hand gestures. Maintaining at least two arm lengths from the interviewer is usually the minimal safe distance that should be maintained.
Maintain Eye Contact
Maintaining eye contact is of special importance and interviewees who don't look the interviewer squarely in the eye or fail to maintain eye contact greatly reduce their chances of success. Shifty eyes are a sure formula for getting rejected.
Be Polite and Mind Your Manners
Even candidates with the best family upbringing can forget to mind their manners and etiquette during a job interview, for an interview is a stressful ordeal for the unprepared and uninitiated. As mentioned in the beginning of this article, even in the worst case, you can come out of an interview with some added social connection and openings if you play your cards right. Politeness and social etiquette is the key here, and focus on leaving the impression of a cultured person. People enjoy cultured company and hate impoliteness, keep that in mind.
Following these simple tips can help you get a job, today or tomorrow, if you know how to follow up on connections acquired at an interview.
Interaction with an interviewer is always interesting for at the worst you are still left richer with the experience and a new connection if you can manage that. If you succeed, then you achieve what you went to the interview for - the job. Social interaction calls into play definitive skills and skill sets, which are sometimes more important than what’s on the resume.
This is why knowledge and practice of etiquettes to follow in an interview gain importance and are as much important as quick wits or ready answers. Just think of yourself as an interviewer and faced with a candidate who gives all the correct answers, but slouches in his chair and keeps shifting his eyes. What are the chances of you recruiting such a candidate? Quite low, I would presume. And if I presume correctly, then it is good to check on how fit you are according to standards of expected behavior in an interview.
Control Your Facial Expressions
Many of us are totally unaware of the facial expressions we make when trying to emphasize a point or express emotions, for most of it occurs unknowingly. While being emotionally vibrant is good, too strong facial expressions are interpreted as signs of lack of emotional control. The proverbial poker face works well across any kind of table, for the human mind makes up for what you don't show. And as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, for a recruiter the right candidate is the one who catches his or her fancy. While being devoid of facial expressions is not suggested, it is definitely of help to control facial expressions to the minimal to leave a gap that can be filled in by the recruiter's own inferences.
Control Your Body Language
Body language is extremely important to carry your messages across, but they can also hinder the process if they do not match your messages. Eyes that don't smile when faces do, repetitive gestures, pointing fingers, wringing your hands, hunched shoulders, bent back, wide open legs, - the list can go on and on, but you got the point: Get rid of bad habits of gesture and posture if you want to survive and succeed in interviews.
Control Your Proximity and Position
Usually the interviewees chair is already fixed and you'd be directed to sit there. However, if there are multiple options and the choice of sitting is upon you, then remember these simple tips. Face the interviewer squarely across the table, and don't sit at a side if you can sit at the center. Don't get too close to the interviewer or it might be interpreted as invasion of private space. This applies as much to positioning yourself as to hand gestures. Maintaining at least two arm lengths from the interviewer is usually the minimal safe distance that should be maintained.
Maintain Eye Contact
Maintaining eye contact is of special importance and interviewees who don't look the interviewer squarely in the eye or fail to maintain eye contact greatly reduce their chances of success. Shifty eyes are a sure formula for getting rejected.
Be Polite and Mind Your Manners
Even candidates with the best family upbringing can forget to mind their manners and etiquette during a job interview, for an interview is a stressful ordeal for the unprepared and uninitiated. As mentioned in the beginning of this article, even in the worst case, you can come out of an interview with some added social connection and openings if you play your cards right. Politeness and social etiquette is the key here, and focus on leaving the impression of a cultured person. People enjoy cultured company and hate impoliteness, keep that in mind.
Following these simple tips can help you get a job, today or tomorrow, if you know how to follow up on connections acquired at an interview.
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